I will be part of the AMSAT table at the Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club's "Springfest" hamfest on Saturday, 14 March 2009. The hamfest is at Scottsdale Community College, east of the AZ-101 freeway exit 46 on Chaparral Road in Scottsdale AZ (grid DM43bm). It starts at 0600 local (1300 UTC), and runs through midday.
During the morning, I will be on various satellites doing on-air demonstrations. Look for WD9EWK on AO-51 and possibly some of the other satellites (SO-50, FO-29, VO-52). I have visible passes on the last 3 satellites in the 1700-1800 UTC hour, and I don't know which pass or passes I will attempt. If I am on VO-52, I will try to put myself around 145.910-145.915 MHz USB on the downlink. For FO-29, I will try to be around 435.865-435.870 MHz USB on the downlink. Please give me a call if you hear me during any of these demonstrations.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/