You could be interested in reading http://www.vhfdx.info/discuss/truenorth.html
73. Gabriel - EA6VQ _________________________________________________________
-----Mensaje original----- De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] En nombre de Joe Leikhim Enviado el: sábado, 03 de septiembre de 2011 22:42 Para: [email protected] Asunto: [amsat-bb] Adjusting true north for azimuth rotator.
I am planning to install my G5400 rotator inside a tower having a welded rotator shelf. The tower is not installed yet and will have one face against the side of my house which is positioned about 28 degrees northeast (Per Google Earth).
I assume when I drill the rotator shelf, I can adjust for the gross 28 degree offset of the tower. However how important is it to do this at all? Does the rotator have to be installed exactly toward true north or can I make up the difference when clamping down the antenna mast assuming the antenna is oriented true north? Note I will be using a Trakbox and need the ADC to center on true north.
Secondly does anyone know if the ruler function in Google Earth points true north? It seems pretty handy that a fire plug in front of a neighbors house is at about north point.