Hi Mike,
I think APRS-IS itself is fine. Essential, actually. Not suggesting it should change, or is directly involved in the problem.
So, doing some more digging, the vanity site I thought of was http://www.ariss.net/, and a few others that are similar. BUT, the map, and the table below it, clearly show stations that have live operators behind them, as demonstrated by the 2-way messages listed. And the more I look into the stations list, I'm thinking that Steve is doing some pretty clever filtering to weed out the ones that are just beacons (though I do see a few in there). I thought I saw a bunch that appeared to be unattended, but now I'm not so sure.
So, perhaps, I'm off a bit about the vanity aspect of the unattended beaconing? Are there sites that list row upon row of call signs that aren't live? If there isn't a billboard for unattended beacons, why would someone engage in doing that? A vanity beacon that only the originator knows about isn't very vain. Perhaps something else, but not that.
Greg KO6TH
Mike Diehl wrote:
You make a good point about the complications of dropped packets. I have some good recordings of voice stations getting a call back when as little as a single letter of their call was heard. It's amazing how well we can learn the voices of other ops when you're on regularly. This simply doesn't happen on packet.
Another complication is that it is on simplex. That means on a 10 minute pass the maximum amount of time possible to digipeat is 5 minutes if the channel is fully saturated. Subtract out the ISS beacons we end up with less than 50% of the pass available for ISS to hear you.
I'm not sure what the best solution is. You do bring up an interesting point about APRS-IS. Maybe it's possible to have them black list fixed beacon stations and remove the vanity aspect like you mentioned.
Mike Diehl AI6GS
On Apr 17, 2017, at 1:26 PM, Greg D [email protected] wrote:
Gabriel Zeifman wrote:
It's not complicated. However much it may be insisted ISS packet is not SO-50, it is practically the same thing (single channel operating on FM).
Actually, the ISS digi is worse.
With voice communication, one can sometimes pick up the start or tail of a call sign, as the astronaut demonstrated, and use that to filter a second try. With digital, any bits that get corrupted result in no reception at all.
I hate to suggest this, and admit I am assuming a cause without supporting evidence, but it might be necessary to remove the "vanity" aspect of ISS digipeating, and take down or hide from general view the reporting sites that support it. While a useful tool for troubleshooting, I suspect the vanity aspect of seeing your call in a public list day after day from an unattended station may be too strong a draw for some, resulting in the clogged channel. The SatGates that monitor for ISS and other APRS satellite traffic are still important part of the infrastructure, so that the information can be datamined from APRS-IS if you need it for troubleshooting. But the consolidated lists of who has been seen digipeating through the ISS, I think, may be contributing more trouble than they are worth.
Greg KO6TH
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