PSAT2 digipeating and aprs-to-voice ops are working using the special APRS-to-voice packet format.
But not both. A packet with a digipeating path will not be spoken and a properly formatted text-to-voice message will not be digipeated. This is a quirk of the TNC that for some reason does not pass a digipeated packet out its serial port to the Speech CPU.
Also the 6 day watchdog timer is about to reset and will probably reboot the spacecraft's comm system overnight. We are letting this fail-safe watchdog timer time out intentionally so we can verify it works. Turns out, the Speech CPU is sleeping longer than we expected and so it turned into a 9 day timer! We hope our command station in Brazil can restore it tomorrow.
You can see the alphabetic watchdog timer count (y) as the first character in the APRS-to-voice bulletin:
PSAT2>APDIGI,ARISS::BLNg-APRS:y|Q S T: This is the Aee PRS bullettin .
It turned to (y) sometime between 1400 and 1700z today and after (z) it will reset (it is 8 hours per count)...
If you wonder about the spelling of this bulletin, that is intentional, because it is intended that this bulletin be spoken. We have found that creative spelling can get the sound you want instead of what the text-to-speech processor might come up with. And remember, for text-to-speech, use lower case, or it will spell-out letters if they are uppercase. Hence "Aee PRS" is the correct pronunciation of APRS and not "Aprs" that some people use <wink> ;-)