Thank you, Domenico for the information,
A lot of reading and study on this is in order. I'm probably different from many microwave ops, as I started high and am working down in frequency, hi. well, sort of, as I was on 1296 before I was on 10 GHz. I used the sun noise calculations that you gave, Domenico, as referred to me by another microwave op (for 10 GHz). Basically he directed me to a website, of which I do not remember, but you were quite correct, I measured 5-6 dB on 10 GHz using my 60 cm offset fed dish. I am still relatively new to 10 GHz, being only active since last summer.
Without doing a lot of study, (of which I plan to do anyway, when I get the time to do so), you answered my question, and that is no, I will not see enough of a change in the noise floor (when aimed at the sun) with the antenna gain that I am using to be able to measure, however I should see an increase in the noise floor when aiming at a warm body, ie the earth, or perhaps some object such as a tree, building, etc.
Anyway, that's what I was looking for, a way to test what I have using simple means (and my not having a calibrated signal source).
I HAVE checked the converters using a signal source at a friend's shack, but the unit with the antenna attached we couldnt, of course make a meaningful measurement. So I know the frequency is correct, not an image, and the LO is calibrated well enough that I shouldnt have any problem finding the bird once it comes online in mode S.
So I will consider that if I point from cold sky to earth, if I see a change in background noise, things are probably working.
Michael Heim Chief Engineer, Forever Broadcasting New Castle PA WKST WJST WWGY 814-671-0666 Chapter Chair, SBE-122 ARS KD0AR