That being said, adjusting the higher (UHF) transmit frequency on VO-52 and AO-07 only (ie. manual control) will get you pretty close, and you won't drift a whole lot. I hear plenty of hams doing this, as long as there are just one or a two QSO's going on, they don't drift into each other very often.
Actually, if stations would spread out a bit more on the transponders, this would be even less of an issue. There is so much space that goes to waste on these transponders, when everyone seems to never go more than a few kHz up or down from the center. Sometimes, everyone appears to be jammed up around the center separated by 1 or 1.5 kHz between signals. When we have transponders with 50 to 100 kHz to play with depending on the satellite, that seems crazy. At least there's room where someone can go far away from the center to do testing and not bother those around the center.
I'm one of those who does not use computer control, operating portable stations in the field. I try to follow the portion of the One True Rule about making adjustments on the higher of the two frequencies when not using full computer control. Sometimes I have to make adjustments on both frequencies to keep up with those who are fully computer controlled. I use an FT-817ND as my transmitter, and either a second FT-817ND or a Kenwood TH-F6A HT for my receiver (that HT has an all-mode wide- band receiver in it). Whenever I get a home station again, or find a laptop/netbook with an LCD panel that I can see well in the field, I will take another look at putting my 817s under the control of SatPC32.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/