The ARISS seems with the 21st Australian Scout Jamboree AJ2007 seems to have been a great success.
A Scout report of the ARISS contact can be seen in Edition 8 of the Jamboree newspaper "Kevin" which can be downloded from:
AJ2007 Information Resources http://www.webhelponline.net/aj2007/
Australian JOTA-JOTI Coordinator, Bob VK6POP, has posted some pctures at http://scouthq.net/gallery/v/sl07cafe/jabby/AJ2007+ARISS+Contact+001.jpg.htm...
Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) report:
Read the full story, see the pictures and hear a recording of the amazing ARISS contact at ... http://www.wia.org.au/news/2007/20070108-01.php
Wireless Institute of Australia - http://www.wia.org.au/ ----
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