I am looking for inexpensive construction ideas for the following. I know it is a bit off the satellite subjects (sorry about this), but this group seems to still be in a construct/experiment class.
I am looking for a USB converter to Cat5/6 cable to extend the range of a USB device to maybe 150 feet. I see lots of commerical units at prices from 75 to 200, which seems a bit high considering the PC board looks like 2x2. Are there any make your own or ready kits available for this .....
Also looking for a small temperature control system to control cooling fans on the inside of my shack computers and vhf power bricks. The sound level gets high if they are all running, so was looking for a way to control them with a simple temp control device. I have a very large commerical temp controller working just fine as a test, but need to bring it into the real world.
And finially, what is out there commerically or otherwise for changing inputs/outputs for the shack. I have a patch cable box to move inputs and outputs amongst the radios and controllers/computers that I built many many years back. There has to be a better way now ....... or ideas on it maybe......
I have looked on Google and others but have not found exactly what I am looking for as yet......
Thanks in advance for the information, and again sorry about the off topic questions....
Bill Booth VE3NXK Sundridge ON, Canada 79.23.37 W x 45.46.18 N FN05ns
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