Hi Rich,
Is anyone compiling a summary about these new SATS for publication.
The November/December 2013 AMSAT Journal includes charts containing the frequency and operating modes of the satellites launched from Wallops Island and on the DNEPR ride. As is usually the case, there is more information included about the transponder satellites which are of interest to our satellite operators. This issue of the Journal contains just the summary information because the lead time to publication was going on right at launch time. I hope many will find the frequency charts handy to keep around their operating position.
... interesting to know how many man hours and financial resources have been expended on these new SATS. Maybe DVD companion to show designing, fabrication, launch, and operations.
The telemetry-only cubesats dedicated to research missions don't often publish articles and lots of photos in the amateur radio press. When the students have the opportunity to write about their project the AMSAT Journal team will be delighted to work with them to get into print. (It might be that publishing their senior paper or thesis has priority in their schedule.)
Many of the cubesats from Europe often receive their detailed coverage in the OSCAR News from AMSAT-UK and/or the AMSAT-DL Journal.
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected] Editor, AMSAT Journal