Articles for the next issue of OSCAR News are welcome. They should be sent to the Editor Slade Stevens 2E0SQB email: ON-editor at amsat dot org Duchifat3 carrying an APRS Digipeater is expected to launch in December on India's PSLV C48 mission http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=586 See other IARU satellite coordination information at http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/
Bernhard Isemann OE3BIA / PA3BI gave a talk on Galileo GNSS constellation at the ÖVSV Amateur Radio Center on Wednseday, November 27. While the slides are in English the talk itself is in German. Fortunately YouTube Auto-translation makes it understandable. Click on CC icon to enable subtitles then in Settings (cog icon) select Auto-translate->English Watch the video at https://youtube.com/watch?v=Pw-711kVqNM
Daniel Estévez EA4GPZ / M0HXM has posted an article on the Oscillations and relativistic effects in Galileo broadcast clocks, see https://destevez.net/2019/12/oscillations-and-relativistic-effects-in-galile...
The AMSAT-UK and BATC 144-146 MHz Web-based Software Defined Radio installation at Goonhilly is now available. The WebSDR uses the standard FUNcube TLM Receive Antenna available from the AMSAT-UK Online Store https://amsat-uk.org/2019/08/24/goonhilly-144-146-mhz-websdr/
Trevor M5AKA ---- AMSAT-UK http://amsat-uk.org/ Twitter https://twitter.com/AmsatUK Facebook https://facebook.com/AmsatUK YouTube https://youtube.com/AmsatUK ----