There I was standing on the side of the road on a breezy afternoon around 1930z. I had a piece of 3/4” 6061 in one hand and my PTT switch in the other with only my IC-910H at minimum power to keep me warm. I was listening to the sweet sound of noise at 145.938 MHz with an occasional “one two” to keep my manual tuning on track while I awaited for the sweet DX to get into the footprint.
Then you entered the scene pounding away with your CW and sweeping around demanding attention. You were as strong as an ox. You were splattering throughout the whole 60kHz of the passband, how could anyone miss you? And then as suddenly as you appeared there was utter silence. I mean, with that much power how could you not bring any bird to it’s knees?
Perhaps we can meet again sometime, maybe try QRP for a less dramatic entrance and we can have a chance to have a conversation.
73, Mike Diehl W8LID/VE6LID