Clarification, or more fuel to the fire... For a *fixed overall physical size (aperture)*, antenna gain
proportional to f^2 Pathloss is proportional to 1/f^2 So then the total link budget actually *increases* with
frequency (f^2*f^2/f^2=f^2), since you have an antenna at both
True. But that assumes you can keep the antennas at both ends pointed at each other. Yes, this DOES give better links at higher frequencies but requires higher attitude control and pointing requirements on the spacecraft.
For LEO satelites that need OMNI antennas, then your have F^2/F^2 and these two effects cancel each other out.
Also, the key term is the "fixed size" comparison. Yes, phasing together FOUR 12 foot UHF yagi's will give the same overall "aperture" as a single 12 foot 2 meter yagi, but look how much easier it is to build a single 2m yagi. And then a 10 meter Dipole will also give about the same aperture too, and it is even simpler for the same aperture.
When you get to dishes at both ends, then I agree completely that all things are equal. Frequency doesn't matter, though pointing accuracy becomes harder and harder as one goes up. Bob