24 Sep
24 Sep
5:53 a.m.
Wow! This was the first time I worked AO-16. Of course I was the only one on AO-16 at this early hour.
Since I don't have any antennas up for satellites at my house (yet) I worked the satellite from my truck. I hooked up my arrow antenna to my FT-857 for receive and used a 5/8 wave vertical on my portable for the uplink. I couldn't believe how clear my 5-watt signal was making it to (and from) the bird! On that little antenna and my HT I was full quieting into AO-16!
I can't wait until the next pass!
73, Eric Christensen, W4OTN AMSAT Area Coordinator - Southeastern Virginia USA AMSAT Member 35360 http://www.ericsatcom.net GPG Key Fingerprint: 4395 EF8D DDFF E681 26CB 7165 2F95 7CC9 D749 08ED