On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 10:10:02AM -0500, Les Rayburn wrote:
So, here are my questions:
1.) My IC-910H is controlled by SATPC32 in "satellite mode". Simple enough. But when I make the ISS the "active satellite" it stays in V/U mode, and won't easily let me go into simplex mode to work the ISS voice circuits or FM repeater.
Do not use silly overcomplicated radios and pointy-clicky software. Don't waste time with directional aerials and Heath-Robinson rotators.
Grab some pass predictions, and stick a handie with a rubber duck in a south-facing window set to 145.825MHz - if the ISS is transmitting you will hear it.
The ISS isn't always in packet mode, and in particular they shut it off during EVA and docking/launching procedures. If it's up and talking (check issfanclub for details) you *will* hear it.