Let's see. So far, that's Oligarchy 1, Democracy 0.
Steve AI9IN ----- Original Message ----- From: Kevin Schuchmann via AMSAT-BB ([email protected]) Date: 04/20/21 20:43 To: [email protected] Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Re: AMSAT proposed "Don't Rock the Boat" rule
If I remember correctly what we really had was some people run wanting change and at the next election they won and got on the board. Then when the change did not come quick enough or to their liking they openly revolted posting questionable rants on the BB and some going as far to create webpages listing all their complaints from their point of view only.
So then the ranting and division went on for some time until the next election came up, and the ones in question and YOU had your picks for the board.
Well we did that democratic thing and had another election and they lost by hundreds of votes.
So now the BOD that we voted in wants some rules put in place to try and prevent a repeat performance in the future and here you are again complaining.
Put it in writing and send it to BOD.
As for me I'm all for the changes if it prevents a repeat of the last mess.
Kevin WA7FWF #19623