AMSAT INDIA's March 2011 News letter is available for download. The PDF of the newsletter is available at http://amsatindia.org/Newsletter/AMSATINDIA-News-March_2011.pdf and the archives at www.amsatindia.org/Newsletter
Content of the Newsletter
1. Update on the Technical talk held on February 20th 2011
2. Update on the Cubesat Transponder project by AMSAT INDIA.
3. Report by Anantha- VU3GPF on the scheduled contact with ISS with his school in India.
4. VU4PB - DXpedition by Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) to Andaman and Nicobar.
5. News from AMSAT Organizations worldwide.
Nitin [VU3TYG]
Secretary, AMSAT INDIA
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