I don't know when I will drive out to Yuma on Thursday in advance of the hamfest. I will keep a printout of upcoming passes in the car, so I can try to work from grid DM32 as I drive out there. I plan on driving home on Sunday morning, and I should be able to work passes for a couple of hours from somewhere in grid DM32. Since there isn't much in grid DM32, and almost nothing between the I-8 freeway and the Mexican border except for an Air Force bombing range, I won't plan on setting up out there before sunrise. I might try to work from the DM22/DM32 boundary on the north side of I-8, a place I have worked from many times in the past, about 25 miles/40km east of Yuma.
Depending on APRS coverage east of Yuma along the freeway, you may be able to see my location on http://aprs.fi/WD9EWK-9 as I drive out there. I'll also post updates on my Twitter feed @WD9EWK which can also be seen at http://twitter.com/WD9EWK if you don't use Twitter.
Just like with QSOs I make at hamfests, including at the upcoming Yuma hamfest, I will upload my log to Logbook of the World. Anyone wanting a QSL card for working me can just e-mail me the QSO details. I'll be happy to send you a card if you're in the log. No SASE needed.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/