Thanks all for the reports. Looking at the TLE (under TLE_new which is now available )AISAT-1 is 2019-018Z. Please feel to share. 73 Nitin [VU3TYG]
On Monday, 1 April, 2019, 3:51:19 pm IST, Nitin Muttin [email protected] wrote:
The first beacon from AISAT-1 was recieved by R4UAB and Mike ,dk3wn was successfully able to digipeat they the payload.
73 Nitin [VU3TYG]
-------------------------------------------- On Sat, 30/3/19, Nitin Muttin [email protected] wrote:
Subject: AISAT APRS payload on PS4 Platform To: "AMSAT BB" [email protected] Date: Saturday, 30 March, 2019, 3:31 PM
Hello All, An APRS payload from AMSAT INDIA will be flown on PSLV C45. The launch is scheduled on April 1st 2019 at 09:27 IST / 03:57 UTC. The payload will be powered on approximately over Sweden,Norway,Denmark, Finland, Poland and Moscow.We request stations at these locations to report the first signals (145.825 Mhz) from the payload.We also request the Amateur Radio fraternity worldwide to use the payload and Satgates to feed the traffic. More details about this unique project is available at http://www.amsatindia.org%C2%A0 The prelaunch TLE are also available for download on http://www.amsatindia.org%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0 73 Nitin [VU3TYG]Secretary, AMSAT INDIA