Dear friends, HAMSAT VO-52 was launched on 05.05.05 from India by PSLV C6. Today, HAMSAT is entering into its 6th year after successfully completing five years of fruitful service in the orbit. On this great occasion, we all at 'Upagrah Amateur Radio Club' ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore, India take pleasure in expressing our sincere thanks & gratitude to each & everyone in ISRO, who contributed to the success of 'HAMSAT'. Our good wishes & greetings to 'HAMSAt VO-52' to remain in orbit with good health for many more years and to provide the services as one of the 'most favorable satellite' among all of us. We wish 'HAMSAT VO-52 'A Happy Birthday'.
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Mani, VU2WMY Secretary & Station-In-Charge Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC ISRO Satellite Centre Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017. Phone:(O)91-80-2508 2054/2192/2537 Mobile: 91-80-98803 41456 E-mail ID: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]