This arrived via the ANS-Editor mailbox. Perhaps members on amsat-bb can be of assistance to NPR in regards to the Phonesats.
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected] Editor, AMSAT Journal
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 17:02 To: [email protected] Subject: [ans-editor] Fwd: Listening for phonesat
Can someone in AMSAT help Goeff? See below.
73, Gordon, NQ4K
-----Original Message----- From: Geoffrey Brumfiel [email protected] To: nq4k [email protected] Sent: Tue, Apr 23, 2013 1:04 pm Subject: Listening for phonesat Hi Gordon,
I’m a reporter with NPR who’s working on a little story about some cell-phone satellites that were recently launched into space (Bud, one of the engineers here, sent me your way). Apparently, they’re transmitting to Ham radio operators around the world (see http://phonesat.org/).
I’m trying to track down some people who’ve detected the satellites and received some data from them. Ideally, I’d like to talk to them on the phone or even by shortwave radio, if that could be arranged.
There are callsigns on the phonesat.org website. Any idea how I’d find some of these people? Or are members of the sterling park amateur radio club involved?
Any help appreciated, Geoff
Geoff Brumfiel | Science Correspondent, National Public Radio | [email protected] | desk: (202) 513-2446 | cell: (202) 495-8614