Richard, don’t know if it’s your problem or not, but when I last had this issue with SATPC talking to my FoxDelta interface after a PC upgrade, I neglected to set the correct baud rate in the SATPC rotor server program. If it is not set to what your interface requires, no joy.
Good luck, 73
Craig, N6RSX
From: Richard Lawn [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 3:13 PM To: Amsat BB [email protected] Subject: [AMSAT-BB] Problem with Rotor and SatPC32
When my old computer started getting unreliable it was time to buy a new one and I knew it would put me through hell getting everything transferred over and working. The first thing I tried was SatPC32 and rotor control. I use a home brew interface to a G5500 controller. The interface is a serial device that uses EasyComm protocol. For the life of me I cannot get the computer and software to talk to the device and control my rotor. Any idea what might be wrong?
Rick, W2JAZ
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