Hi John,
Pretty easy to disable AGC on my version of the 817. It's menu item #8 [NB, AGC]. Accessible by pressing F momentarily and rotating the SEL knob. Selection is AGCauto, AGCfast, AGCslow, AGCoff. One problem is that if AGC is set to off, the S meter no longer functions....
I'm not sure if you can manipulate the AGC in Commander. I'd have to hook my 817 up to test it....
73, Mike N1JEZ AMSAT #29649 "A closed mouth gathers no feet"
----- Original Message ----- From: "john heath" [email protected]
Subject: [amsat-bb] Help - FT817 & Commander
I want to do some signal strength measurements on satellite downlinks. Can anyone tell me how to disable the AGC? Hidden menus perhaps?
If I use Computer control for the rig with Commander will that give me a way to do it ?.
73 John g7hia