It's GMSK modulation. I don't have the spec in front of me but I doubt it'll run where there is any processing (preemphasis/deemphasis) is taking place. This is why I suggested using a linear transponder. I realize that D-star equipment would be unfriendly to the current operations of sats being that there is no continuous tuning D-Star radio currently so using this would most certainly would drift into other QSO's in progress. Along with that problem you have the inability to full duplex the QSO because someone mentioned that the vocoder/decoder can be used only in one direction at a time. Seeing as this is a new mode and the equipment is expensive, I don't see this being wildly popular that it'll "take over" the sats from their usual operation. A test at some point in the future would probably be good to see if it can be done. Perhaps Echo's B-side could be converted to pass GMSK modulation? Something for the programmers to think about.
73 de Pat --- KA9SCF. Amsat #35741
On 2/26/07, Tony Langdon [email protected] wrote:
At 09:14 AM 2/27/2007, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
Please do not use FM on any of the transponder satellites, whether D-Star
plain FM. FM of any kind is expressly unwelcome on AO-7 especially.
If you would like to set up a test of D-Star via AO-51, please organize
effort and send a request to schedule it to [email protected] or to myself directly and we will accommodate the test on a FM satellite, where
belongs. I think it'd be an interesting experiment.
Umm, I thought D-Star was a digital mode, not riding on top of FM. Is it transmitted as AFSK or is it modulated directly onto the carrier? If it's the latter, then it wouldn't work on an FM satellite.
73 de VK3JED http://vkradio.com
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