I am not speaking for Barry, but as a Board member and an Officer.
This business of nit-picking and taking things out of context is not productive. Certainly not of my time.
The Board can vote at any meeting or teleconference with the appropriate number of members present. The Board strategizes and directs and the Officers implement. There has not been a need for the Board to vote on anything. The Board has guided and directed the Officers to do many things over the last year. These have all been reported to the membership as tasks undertaken.
We have a Board teleconference and an Officers' teleconference each month to keep other Board members and Officers appraised of ongoing actions. Barry reports these activities in his AMSAT Apogee View column in every Journal, and appropriate actions are presented in the ANS each week by Board members and Officers. The Journal also carries articles with more in depth information about these activities.
If you want things to improve, the best way is to help the Officers implement their tasks.
I get a number of people that volunteer to do things, but few actually complete their tasks. As it says in the Help Wanted ad in the Journal - "pick an area that you think needs improvement and explain what you will do to make it better. Then do something (with that activity) to show that you can follow through."
73, Gould, WA4SXM
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rocky Jones" [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; "Amsat BB" [email protected] Sent: Friday, August 28, 2009 1:10 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: BoD Elections
Barry ...interesting statement
this caught my eye
There are no other formal 'meeting minutes' or 'committee minutes' to be published. No 'official meetings' where the BOD has taken official votes or made decisions that require documentation have taken place since the 2008 AMSAT Symposium"
so there are no official actions or votes of the directors, the BOD as a whole after the Amsat Symposium?
Robert WB5MZO
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