Yes, I considered LMR-400 and above, but due to the rigid bending limits of those cables, I went down the scale to LMR-240 for this first install, the cable is almost as flexible as RG-58/59 etc. ...
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 4:55 PM, Kevin Deane [email protected] wrote:
*Hello, figured I would give my two cents... I have gotten in with many antennas and many radios. They say five watts is all you need with a directional ant. I have worked AO-27 with a hustler mag mount and a FT7900, only for a short time of course because it is not getting into the bird that matters, it is hearing it.* ** *Whatever you use for receive make sure you have the best coax or something like 9913, or lmr 400, because I found out the hard way that the DB loss in bad or cheap coax will kill you bigtime. I have not tried an eggbeater, but have tried the log periodic, and yagis. Like I said the verticals, mag mount and base ant, work for closer passes for a few minutes.
** *If you can do full duplex that is the best way for sure, as you can hear yourself and not cause Qrm. Probly was not much help here but I have heard people have had great success with the egbeater. Maybe add a preamp at the receive ant mast...* ** *Anyway good luck, and remember if you cant hear people clearly dont bother to transmit, everyone gets all bent out of shape.
*Kevin* *KF7MYK*
From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 16:17:48 -0400 To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: EggBeater
Hello, can I ask a question related to this several-years old thread? At George Washington University, this fall we will be on the air and are buliding up an amateur radio club ground station from scratch. Currently
are collecting equipment, cables, etc., while we wait for the
to begin on a new door in the interior of a third floor class room space
let us use that area as a "radio room" or something like that. At my home QTH, I'm testing out the radios we can use, and would like to both
and transmit - with omni antennas (e.g., eggbeaters, QHA ) and later
Assuming an LNA is used at the antenna for the RX path, would it be practical to use that same omni for uplink? What are the recommended
settings for such an uplink for any of the recent amsats?
If there was a constraint (for the summer into fall) of operating in a limited visibility area, and approximately 50 sq. ft of open access
21 ft monopole mast with open free area about 4 ft dia.) would that be adequate for any sort of uplink antenna? The good thing is that the ultimate location of the club station antenna farm is huge, but for now this is what we have. I'm open to AZ-El positioners but the mast loading limit is pretty small for now.
Any suggestion welcome.
Samudra N3RDX
On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 9:50 PM, Edward Cole [email protected]
Thanks for the document on this antenna. I was going to try resizing the 2m Lindenblad design of Tony's but this will be a snap for me. I have 1/8-inch rod elements from an old Cushcraft yagi that disintegrated long ago and have some 1/2-inch sched-40 aluminum pipe (7/8 inch OD) that will work fine for the vertical. I can get the PVC from my local building supply. Only need to order ferrites from Mouser. Since I will place a 432 preamp at the antenna a short run of RG-58 or mini-8 will suffice. I probably will make some variation in the materials used. I did that on the 2m Lindenblad (not assembled, yet).
73, Ed - KL7UW
At 08:02 AM 4/16/2009, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
Consider trying AA2TX's excellent parasitic lindenblad design. Unlike
overpriced eggbeater, it puts the gain on the horizon where it is
and is circular across the pattern. The parts mostly are from your
hardware store, and in Tony's typical fashion, it is simple to
works well.
73, Drew KO4MA
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Dzurilla" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:56 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: EggBeater
I have both a commercial and a homebrew Eggbeater and am
both, especially in light of its rather high price. Connected to my IC-7000 via an ARR mast-mounted preamp, performance is far less
an HT and an Arrow. Guess an omni can't cut it, at least not from
Maybe if I could get it up higher, clear of all roofs, it would do
I can make contacts at relatively high sat elevations, but can do
well with a $10 dual band ground plane. My friend has an Eggbeater
the same preamp at a clearer QTH, and he hears substantially
to 10 degrees elevation in some directions.
Good luck and 73, Bill NZ5N
> Hi Steve, > > It is surprising to read that you are not hearing anything. I have > repeatedly used a 2m and 70cm Eggbeater for the sats and have had no > problem hearing things. No pre-amp. > > I was using a short cable (e.g. less than 10 meters). The rigs I > used were a FT-736r (deaf) and a FT-847 (so-so). > > 73, > > Dave
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