The minutes of the Final Plenary of the IARU Region 1 meeting held in Sun City have now been released. Among the satellite releated items are:
SC11_C3_Rec _02 – Document SC11_C3_37a To add to the constitution A.1.3.11 Protection of the fundamental, natural and finite resource “frequency spectrum,” to keep it clean and undisturbed from man-made electromagnetic disturbances causing harmful interference to the amateur service and the amateur satellite service.
SC11_C5_Rec_10 - SC11_C5_16 D-Star in Italy using SAT-Band Escalation Procedure: 1. Write the repeater operator to remove out of satellite segment. 2. Inform the trust server operator of the IARU bandplan breach made by the use of the repeater. 3. Inform the government about the repeater and request them to remove the repeater. Proposed by OeVSV, seconded by REF. Approved unanimously.
SC11_C5_Rec_23 - SC11_C5_44 VHF Handbook Satellite Chapter Removal of the existing Satellite chapter and replace with the attachment of paper 44.
SC11_C5_Rec_26 - SC11_C5_48 IARU satellite coordinator co-worker Willi Vollenweider, HB9AMC, prepared the paper. Stefan L. Streif, HB9TTQ, introduced the paper. Graham, G3VZV, confirmed the need for this support. It would be best to involve Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV (the current coordinator) in this regard. Then ask Willi, HB9AMC, to contact Hans directly to work together in developing the youth satellite programme. Stefan Dombrowski, ON6TI, can also be involved. Hans, ZS6AKV, will be asked to include Willi and Stefan as co-workers into the Satellite ground station network for university satellite projects. Proposed by USKA, seconded by SARL. Approved unanimously.
IARU R1 Minutes of the Final Plenary, August 17, 2011
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