Hello all,
I had some minor issues with satpc32 (V12.8c) and I wanted to uninstall and install the program again. So I decided to download the latest program version from the website. I had the latest version but downloaded it anyway to be sure to have a good copy.
It was also V12.8c. But to my surprise that program had some nice improvements. In the satellites menu you can change the window size now to see the complete satellite name. In that same menu there is an extra button : "Display Data" to show more data from the selected satellite. In the "options" menu you can change a setting to update the map (every...seconds) That value changed with me everytime i started the program, now it stays on every 1 sec.
To control my sat antennas I use the ServerSDX program delivered with SatPC32. That window also changed (more info on it)
Maybe there are more things that have changed, need to find out... Maybe others have that latest version already but I didn't know there were some changes made to the program.
73, Eric.