Funny story I just got my first hand held sat antenna last week , the ELKand I'm out in the yard trying to get the hang of using itwith my cheap btec x3 FM HT , no FM birds are upso I am punching in cw beacons of the birds in viewand having pretty good luck detecting the CW pulsing swish-swish sound in the FM receiver and getting the feel foraiming the antenna while watching the tiny screen on my smart phone for aiming data.... then FO29comes in view , A sat I have a really hard time hearingon my little home station yagi , so im able to just detect fo-29 beacon , just bearly on on my FM HT , and as the sat get in close ( overhead )I can start to hear some voice signals decoding ??since thats a SSB bird , i guess the ht's wide 20kc 'IF' signalsare mixing with the CW carrier and sort of mixing upand giving me a poor mans SSB audio decode ...this made me think back to my early days as a kid when iwould use a old rf-generator on the bench to beat acarrier up on HF SSB signals to get them to decodeon a old AM only shortwave radio I had ....If the HT could run in AM mode it might work even better.so if folks worked SSB near the low end of the transponder voices might mix with the beacon and decode for the ht's? BradKo6kL