I have been using HRD for a long time, it produces a very useful text file, called "passes.txt", listing the pass predictions for your grid square. If you use HRD Satellite and know how to create the passes text file, you'll know what I'm referring to. I have created a simple utility that formats the text file for better readability. The utility can be downloaded at the link below. I use it all the time and am passing it along if anyone may find it useful. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YPzTaLsp7deFUd8CyoHADbyH9G5vR-z0 In this public folder look for the file called "HRDPassesFormatter.exe". There nothing to install just download it to a convenient folder and double-click to run it. All you have to do is to select the HRD passes file. 73! Umesh k6vug