Jean Marc,
Thank you.
As to your reply.
1. I have menu 50F set to 9600. Is there other menu items that should be set? The manual is confusing as it alternates between the internal TNC and an external. 2. UZ7HO and Chris have done great work. From experience I know the problem is in the setup. 3. When I have the TS-2000 set for local packet at 1k2 I see the signal in the waterfall using soundmodem. With the TS-2000 set to 9600 and 9k6 with hs_soundmodem I do not see signal in the waterfall and am assuming either I have an error or that is the normal waterfall display for 9k6 GMSK.
Jim McCullers
I used the TS-2000 for F3 quite successfully.
1) F3 is using 9k2 so you have to set TS-2000 Menu 50F to 9600 bauds
2) UZ7HO and Chris PacSatGround works superb for F3, and also worked great for MO-112, just a opportunity to thanks Chris again for his great support for the 1st 3B8 bird.
3) If your TS-2000 on 1k2 bauds it is normal that nothing seen on the waterfall.
Hope above helps.
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
On Dec 7, 2022, at 8:22 PM, Jim McCullers <[email protected] mailto:[email protected] > wrote:
Has anyone on the list used a Kenwood TS-2000 to communicate with FalconSat-3?
If so, can you pass along the menu settings that work?
I’m using a borrowed TS-2000 and am still in the learning phase on the menu settings.
The audio chain is working with local packet at 1200bps consisting of a DigiRig, using UZ7HO SoundModem and EasyTerm.
For FalconSat-3 the chain is DigiRig – UZ7HO hs-soundmodem – G0KLA PacSatGround.
Based on my interpretation of the hs_soundmodem waterfall display I’m seeing no data from the TS-2000 when attempting FalconSat-3 communication.
I’m certain I have a menu configuration problem and am looking for suggestions.
FalconSat-3 does not have long to live, predicted to de-orbit in February and is now active for 24 hours or so on the weekends.
Any assistance will be appreciated.
Jim McCullers
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