I will be at the Cochise Amateur Radio Association's annual Larry Warren Hamfest on Saturday (5 May) morning in Sierra Vista, Arizona. This, like most Arizona hamfests, is a half-day event, and I will have an AMSAT table there along with on-air satellite demonstrations. More information about the hamfest is available at:
It looks like I will have only AO-7 in mode B and VO-52 available for the demonstrations Saturday morning. I will be ready for those two satellites with my portable all-mode satellite station.
After the hamfest, depending on when things wrap up, I am looking at paying a quick visit to one or two of the rarely-heard grids in southeastern Arizona. Or I might try to work from along I-10 at the Arizona/New Mexico state line. To see where I'm going, I will run APRS as WD9EWK-9 while driving. You can see my travels at (among other places) http://aprs.fi/wd9ewk-9
If you work WD9EWK on Saturday - at the hamfest, or wherever I stop after the hamfest - and would like a QSL card to confirm the contact, please e-mail me the QSO details. No need to send me a card or SASE first. If you're in the log, I will be happy to send you a card. I will also upload my Saturday QSOs to Logbook of the World.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/