Hi Enzo, About 18 years ago my (now unfortunately deceased) friend DL9BU and I were very active on the 9k6 Pacsats UO-22, KO-23 and KO-25, both with a TS-2000. We had to use an external TNC (I the TNC-3S) which worked great. I can't remember the details, but we both tried long and hard to use the TS-2000's built-in TNC for packet operation, but to no avail. Nor have we heard of any other TS-2000 user that he got it working. We have therefore come to the conclusion that the built-in TNC doesn't work properly in this respect.
In the TS-2000 firmware update history I don't see that an update regarding the TNC.
What I find even sadder is that we don't have any of these fantastic satellites anymore, except for Falconsat 3. And I can't use that satellite because of the too low elevation at my location.
73s, Erich,, DK1TB
Am 23.11.2021 um 20:41 schrieb Vincenzo Mone:
Hi folks,
Is there any one that uses the Kenwood TS-2000 and Wisp
Using the internal TNC to RX/TX on Falconsat-3?
I cannot get success. I can RX but cannot TX since there is signal on the SUB Band.
Please can somebody give me the correct settings.
Actually I have the following settings in the radio:
Menu 46 MAIN
Menu 47 9600Bps
Menu 48 TNC BAND
Menu 55 On
On the main band I have set the RX frequency 435.103 FM for the Downlink and
On the Sub Band the TX Frequency 145.840 FM for the Downlink.
The PTT is set on the SUB band.
When the MSPE program starts, I can see the STA and CON LEDs flashing for three times
That indicates me the radio is gone in kiss mode.
I can see the data coming in, but when I go to request the directory or a message the radio does not
Go in TX since there is signal on the MAIN band.
Please what am I doing wrong or which settings is wrong in the radio?
Please any help will be really appreciated.
73 de Enzo IK8OZV EasyLog 5 BetaTester EasyLog PDA BetaTester WinBollet BetaTester D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania Skype: ik8ozv8520
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