Hi Mark!
We essentially got "a free, bonus overtime" from July 2010 until now. We thought it was about gone back then...check your logs and see just how many QSOs you made on AO-51 from the end of July 2010 until the end of November 2011 (and then check how many overall during the 7.5 year). I suspect the cumulative number of contacts would be staggering.
Since you asked..... :-)
With all my personal calls, I have logged a total of 10931 satellite QSOs. Of those, 4891 (44.7%) were on AO-51's different configurations, made from locations across the continental USA as well as from Canada and Mexico. Since July 2010, I have logged 2233 satellite QSOs, with 574 of those (25.7%) on AO-51. My last AO-51 QSOs were logged on 13 November.
As others have said, AO-51 was the satellite that brought me into this part of our hobby. I had been a member of AMSAT for a few years before then, worked a couple of stations on SO-35 in 2000 and a QSO on UO-14 in 2003, and even pitched in a little $$$ to help toward the AO-51 launch fundraising campaign in 2004. Once I started on AO-51, I tried SO-50 and AO-27, the ISS cross-band repeater when it was active, and then on to SSB and CW via satellite. And it's still fun....... :-)
Looking forward to Fox-1(and siblings...) !!
Yes! As we continue using other satellites that remain operational, here's hoping we are able to use the Fox satellites and those from other AMSAT groups in the near future.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/