----- Original Message ----- From: "PE0SAT" [email protected] To: "Nitin Muttin" [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Monday, March 05, 2012 7:45 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] Status VO-52
Hi Nithin,
Is there a way that you, ISRO or Amsat India can keep us (Ham Radio community) informed about the status of VO-52.
The silence around VO-52 gives me a bad feeling.
Maybe it is possible to gives us an update lets say every week? More frequent is also welcome ;-)
73 Jan PE0SAT
Hi Jan, PE0SAT
I agree with you because I am interested to know if the Indian transponder has been switched or not with the Dutch transponder and what the result was.
The silence around VO-52 make me concerned because after AO-51 died probably VO-52 in my opinion has been used to much in FM all over the world determining a deterioration of the batteries.
We need VO-52 because OSCAR-7 is strongly FMing and the rest of satellites except FO-29 are in very bad conditions.
I would like to receive an official report about the VO-52 situation from ISRO through AMSAT-India very often, I agree with you every week or less.
I remember that when AO40 was in truble we got a dayly report on AMSAT-BB every day from Stacey Mills,W4SM because he was the main command station of the bird and this make a great difference.
I can't understand why the command station for VO-52 must be ISRO using not amateur frequencies enstead of AMSAT India using the amateur bands.
Best 73" de
i8CVS Domenico