Hi all, This may be known to some of you - but it has given me problems sometimes.
OSCAR 27 is a different satellite than AO-27. OSCAR 27 is catalog number 18361.
AMRAD-OSCAR-27 (AO-27) (AKA EYESAT) is catalog number 22825.
OSCAR 27 is in the Transit series of satellites (NAVSAT). Other satellites in this series carry the OSCAR name and a number.
I had this problem at a summer course in satellite technology for students from many countries. I said to them that they could use the keps for AO-27 for a project. AO-27 has a nice nearly circular orbit :-)
Then they used OSCAR 27 - and I did not understand the the difference in the expected results in the start.
Some lists of keplerian elements use EYESAT for AO-27.
If you Goggle OSCAR 27 you get a lot of hits that are really AO-27.
Greetings from Copenhagen. 73 OZ1MY Ib