Hi Julien,
thank you very much for the confirmation.
Would you like to get the I/Q file which I recorded to analyze the transmission ?
Kind regards
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Julien NICOLAS [email protected] Gesendet: Montag, 7. Juni 2021 10:35 An: [email protected] Betreff: [AMSAT-BB] Re: Amicalsat : 6 June S-band Transmission
Hi Matthias,
You where right this signal was from amicalsat, but this was not the expected signal. We had a power supply problem during the S-band transmission. Since this failed transmission we lost the satellite, no beacon, nor answers to TC. We need to wait until we get a little more power onboard.
With your setup you will be able to get a picture, or at least a part of it.
I will keep the list updated.
Have a nice day !
Julien F4HVX
Le 7 juin 2021 à 00:04, Matthias Bopp [email protected] a écrit :
Hi Julien,
thank you very much for your answer. The exact time of the signal appearing was today 09h40m34s UTC.
I did monitor the downlink of AMICALSAT at the time you had suggested starting 09:30 UTC for about 20 minutes and then also the next pass.
I could not identify any signal but I have here quite some overloading of my RX by various WLAN networks in the vicinity.
That signal I was describing was only transmitted once and was very distinct. As I was tracking AMICALSAT with my 2.3m dish I was quite sure it came from that direction. However as you know the transmissions from AMICALSAT better, apparently it was a different signal. Decreasing doppler shift of that signal was also in agreement with the fact that AMICALSAT was moving away from me (shortly after TCA).
If you plan to do additional test transmissions please let me know. I might add a very narrowband filter around 2415 MHz to suppress the WLAN Interference. In understand that the satellite's attitude is out of control but I would expect at least a weak fading signal to be seen.
Are there any references with what kind of equipment the S-band downlink of AMICALSAT has been successfully received. I have so far only seen one picture.
Kind regards
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Julien NICOLAS [email protected] Gesendet: Sonntag, 6. Juni 2021 22:52 An: [email protected] Betreff: [AMSAT-BB] Re: Amicalsat : 6 June S-band Transmission
Hi Matthias,
This is not AmicalSat, when did you recorded it ? There is two possibilities of failures. The first is bad attitude of the satellite when transmitting (not nadir, remember that the ADCS is not working, unfortunately), the second is a problem in the planed task (this is the first time we use a planned task for a S-band transmission, I will double check everything.)
I will keep the list updated about the next session.
Have a good day, Julien F4HVX
Le 6 juin 2021 à 12:53, Matthias Bopp [email protected] a écrit :
Hi Julien,
during the last pass of AMICALSAT over Europe I did not receive a 3-5 minutes long data transmission.
However I did receive a short transmission at 2414.957 MHz at 09h40m34s UTC which lasted only a few seconds. Enclosed is a screenshot.
I have a lot of noise due to many WLAN stations close by. The frequency in the screenshot of 415.375 MHz corresponds to a receive frequency of 2414.957 MHz.
I wonder whether this might have been a transmission of AMICALSAT.
I have a I/Q baseband recording which I can make available if someone wants to try to decode the signal.
Kind regards
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