Outstanding Drew! I'm now getting excited about getting OTS from Florida as I also don't have Hawaii on a leo...
73 Merry Christmas and a HNY
-----Original Message----- From: Andrew Glasbrenner Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2015 2:18 PM To: 'amsat-bb' Cc: 'Den Koawl' ; [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] A good morning on FO-29
I just wanted to relate the outstanding early morning pass I had on FO-29 today. I had set up a schedule with AL7RS in AP65, way out in western Alaska. We have been emailing a while, and Dan indicated he was ready to try, and even agreed to try SSB since I'm not a big CW fan. After a few emails the night before to set up specifics, we were go for the 1016Z pass, right as FO-29 came over at near apogee. I heard him as soon as the sat popped over the horizon, and we made a leisurely exchange for a new grid and field for us both. Mission Accomplished!
As I was quietly sitting filling out my log, at just after 5AM local, listening to the transponder hiss, I heard a very strong signal pop up, exactly where I was listening. It was WH6XM calling CQ from BK29 in Hawaii! Now, I've been on satellites on and off since 1992, and hardcore since about 2000. I have QSLs from Hawaii on both AO-10 and AO-40, but have never heard KH6 on a LEO! I started answering his CQ before he was even done, hoping he was full duplex and we wouldn't run out of time and pass before we made the QSO. After a few quick back and forths, we got the calls and reports exchanged, and I heard him until my LOS. Actually, he was strong to past where I should have had LOS, to about -1.5 degrees. Thank you Gulf of Mexico tropo for a bit of an extension. A quick email confirmed what I knew was a good QSO, and off to bed I went again, a very happy ham.
So, I just wanted to thank both Dan and Bob for being there, having good receive setups, and making the QSOs with me. This stuff is still exciting!
73, Drew KO4MA