I finally got an opportunity to try and work HO-68 again on the weekend. Very tough during the week due to work schedule. I had a 65 deg at peak pass over FN20un but was unable to hear the satellite at all during the entire pass. Often I have a high 70cm noise level here so I figured it was operator tracking error (Arrow on a tripod) and the high noise level. I went to http://oscar.dcarr.org to see if anyone had heard the pass and unfortunately there were no reports either way. What I did find was a bit confusing unless the past work week took a real toll on me...LOL!...
There were 4 reports out of Europe earlier in the day of the satellite being heard. When I had checked the schedule on http://www.camsat.cn I thought I understood the satellite to be off between 1:51 and 14:20 UTC. The pass I was trying to catch was at 14:39 UTC but the reported heard times were in the OFF period for HO-68. Am I reading this all wrong? I was hoping to perhaps catch a European station or two on that pass and also work others here in the US.
Thanks in advance and maybe it¹s just a tough morning for me!