How come NO-84 gets turned off ?
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On 4 Aug 2017, at 12:45 am, Joe [email protected] wrote:
I agree, that PSK-31 Transponder is a BLAST! I am sad that it barely gets used!
Joe WB9SBD Sig The Original Rolling Ball Clock Idle Tyme
On 8/3/2017 9:30 AM, Robert Bruninga wrote: So, while digipeater is off, now is a good time to play with PSAT (NO84's) PSK31 transponder which we try to always keep on.
-----Original Message----- From: Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Speaking of APRS
Probably the closest thing to a status report on the health of NO-84 is available from Mike DK3WN:
DK3WN is one of the command stations for NO-84, and he is able to switch on the APRS digipeater when he feels the satellite can handle it. His last blog entry related to that satellite was from last week, where he commented that "digipeater should remain off". Along with his web site, DK3WN is also on Twitter as @DK3WN where he also posts information related to NO-84. If you're not on Twitter, you can read his tweets in a browser at:
In terms of APRS digipeaters operating on 145.825 MHz, NO-84 is off, ISS is down, and from an earlier -BB post it looks like QIKCOM-1 (another satellite with an APRS transponder on 145.825 MHz):
has been delayed in its deployment from the ISS. We'll have to be patient...
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK Twitter: @WD9EWK or
On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 7:04 AM, [email protected] wrote:
I was hoping for a little more long-term outlook with respect to NO-84. As best I can tell from clicking on the satellites that have links, there are no other satellites that have APRS transponder capabilities. Is that correct?
Steve AI9IN
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