September 7 Western USA High Altitude Balloon Flight Includes Repeater Package
The LSU HASP (High Altitude Student Platform) project expects to make a launch attempt in the early morning on Monday September 7 around 7:30 AM MDT (UTC - 6).
This amateur radio payload, featuring a crossband repeater, will be riding a 12 million cubic foot zero pressure balloon lifting about 2000 pounds to an altitude of about 125,000 ft.
Jack (W7JLC) and Bryan (W7BNW) from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University have installed a cross-band repeater along with the assortment of science payloads.
Uplink: 145.560 MHZ, 162.2 tone access Downlink: 445.525 MHz When crossband is not active, APRS on 445.925 MHz
Launch is from Ft. Sumner NM, and the balloon will drift generally westward. When it reaches its float alitude of 125,000 ft the radio footprint will be almost 1000 miles in diameter, reaching roughly from Dallas and San Antonio to Phoenix and up past Denver to Ft. Collins, and down to Chihuahua in Mexico. The flight duration is expected to be 15 to 20 hours.
The LSU HASP team and W7JLC and W7BNW invite hams to try the repeater. If you succeed, please send a report to and want to report back to Jim, N5IB via [email protected] See http://laspace.lsu.edu/hasp/ for additional details.
[ANS thanks Jim, N5IB for the above information]
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected] AMSAT VP User Services