Can someone tell what is better for satellite work, the Kenwood TS-2000X orthe Icom IC- 9100 ??
Andrew, the "better" radio depends mostly on individual preferences...they all receive, and they all transmit...
A few, maybe10 years ago, five of us from North Shores ARC in San Diego tested those two and as I remember a couple of "yaysus", and the IC 900 was voted "the best"....
I'm 89, poor hearing, and have been on the ham satellites since Oscar 7, and have to admit that I favor Kenwoods....
We coax switched the radios so the comparison was instant, fades not in the picture....
HRO in San Diego let me take several radios home before I chose the IC910...perhaps you could do the same...
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...