This has been well documented from the earliest days of AO-7 in the 1970s. They occur throughout the world.
73, Gabe NJ7H
On May 31, 2017, at 11:02 PM, Bill Bordy, NJ1H nj1h@comcast.net wrote:
I have been observing AO-7 quite a bit lately and I have noticed three broadband humps in my panadapter display. I also see these in W5RKN panadapter captures at:
This confirms these are being transmitted from AO-7. They disappear immediately after the mode switch in his captures. I also observed this today at 31 MAY 2017 about 19:03 UTC during a mode switch.
Does anyone have an explanation of why these occur? The obvious might be some sort of signals on the uplink. Has anyone identified if these signals occur throughout the world or just in specific areas. If you look at these, a large part of AO-7's power output is being used to transmit the broadband humps.
73, Bill NJ1H
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