Space Weather Euro News Vol. 12 Issue 6 (01-09-08) Table of Contents: ********************************************************************** European Space Weather Week #5, 17-21st November, Brussels 2008.
News: Abstract Deadline 1st September and Business Meeting Schedule Now AvailableProceedings from the ESA Space Environments and Effects Section Final Presentation Days now onlineESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space ScienceMeeting: Modern Challenges in Nonlinear Plasma PhysicsSome ESA Tender Actions from ESA-EMITS **********************************************************************
HTML version: http://esa-spaceweather.net/spweather/SWEN/swen.html
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1. European Space Weather Week #5, 17-21st November, Brussels 2008.
News: Abstract Deadline 1st September and Business meeting
Schedule now Available
From: Alexi Glover, Jean Lilensten and Ronald Van der Linden
***Reminder: Abstract submission deadline 1st September ***
For full details see: http://sidc.oma.be/esww5
The next European Space Weather Week will take place at the Royal Library of Brussels, Belgium, from Monday 17th November to Friday 21st November 2008.
This meeting is being jointly organised by the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB), ESA, the SWWT, the COST 724 and COST 296 communities. The local organisation is done by the SIDC of the ROB. This event will build on the advances made during previous European Space Weather Weeks and preceding ESA Space Weather Applications Workshops.
The ESWW will again adopt the central aim of bringing together diverse communities working on all elements of space weather with a strong focus on user involvement. This year’s meeting will discuss recent advances in both scientific and applications based domains and how these advances relate to user needs. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss the Space Weather community’s contribution to possible future ESA action in the area of Space Situational Awareness. New data, tools and techniques will also be discussed and demonstrated during the workshop with a view to aiding the transition between new scientific results and user-oriented space weather services.
This year’s event will include a space weather fair, where users and service providers will have the opportunity to interact in an informal working environment. The meeting will also include a number of hands-on splinter sessions and will explore community development through several dedicated business meetings.
The meeting will centre on 6 open sessions that address a number of topical themes:
Session 1: Space Weather and the European Approach to Space Situational Awareness Session 2: Global Navigation Satellite Systems : Science, user needs and applications Session 3: Offshore Drilling, Magnetic Surveying and Geomagnetism : Science, user needs and applications
Session 4: Space Weather Models: from Research to Operations Session 5: New and Existing Data Resources, Tools and Services Session 6: Solar Weather: New results, analysis techniques, forecast tools and the outlook for users
Each session will be divided into oral and poster session with plenty of time devoted to discussion. Contributed papers are welcome to each of the 6 sessions. The oral presentations will cover a range of scientific and applications related themes and will consist of both invited and contributed papers. User contributions are expected to feature strongly in sessions 2 and 3 in particular. It is also envisaged that the meeting will conclude with a wrap-up of the key issues arising during the week long event in the form of a round table discussion on future European directions in space weather.
Business meetings:
A key part of the European Space Weather Weeks are the business meetings. These meetings provide the opportunity for interested participants to meet in smaller groups and address key issues in a style that compliments the open format of the plenary sessions. These meetings take the form of working meetings with reports produced and actions taken by the participants. This year, time during the ESWW5 schedule will be set aside for all splinter meeting convenors to report the main conclusions of the meetings to the full workshop.
Topics that will be covered by splinter meetings during this year's ESWW include:
Science Consortium for SWAP and LYRA payloads onboard PROBA2COST 295 "Mitigation of Ionospheric Effects on Radio Systems (MIERS)SOTERIA (SOlar TERrestrial Investigations and ArchivesSpace Weather Measurements with the Vega Maiden Flight CubeSatsSpace Weather and Health IssuesSWENET Developers ForumSpace Weather IndicesSWWT Plenary Meeting #24SWWT Topical Group on Atmospheric EffectsSWWT Topical Group on Ionospheric EffectsSWWT Topical Group on Spacecraft, Launcher and Aircraft EnvironmentsData and Application Services: Current Status and Future NeedsSpace Weather Impacts on Materials
For further information and business meeting abstracts, see the online agenda.
Abstract Submission:
Online abstract submission is now possible via the conference website:
Deadline for submission: 1st September 2008.
Authors will be informed of the acceptance of their abstract by 1st October.
Registration is now possible via the conference website. The deadline for early registration is 17th October 2008.
Early Bird Registration Fee: 110Euro
Full Registration Fee (later than 17th Oct): 130Euro
Students and young (<30yrs) scientists/engineers will be eligible for a reduced fee of 50 €. To be eligible, candidates must provide a valid student card and/or a CV (including date of birth) and they must be a presenting author. A small number of student scholarships are available for studets presenting a paper and unable to come otherwise. Applications for those scholarships should include the above information plus a motivation letter and are handled through the ESA Conference Bureau. Requests should be sent to [email protected].
Social Programme:
A social programme including a welcome reception and conference dinner will be included in the registration fee. More information will be available by 2nd June.
Presentation material from the invited talks will be made available on the ESWW5 website following the event. In addition, it is envisaged that scientific and technical papers presented at this event will form a special issue of a refereed journal. More information about this publication will be made available during the meeting.
Programme Committee:
A. Glover (Co-Chair, ESA)A Belehaki (Co-chair, NOA, COST 724)J Lilensten (LPG-CNRS, COST 724)M. Hapgood (RAL/STFC, SWWT Chairman)J.-P. Luntama (FMI) R. Van der Linden (SIDC-STCE)P. Van Lommel (SIDC-STCE)J.-J. Valette (CLS)A. Thomson (BGS, COST 724) T. Dudok de Wit (CNRS)P. Gille (LPCE-CNRS)B. Zolesi (INGV, COST 296) Local Organising Committee:
R. Van der LindenA. Van der SyppeS. RaynalP. Van Lommelthe SIDC-team This meeting is supported by the European Space Agency, The Royal Observatory of Belgium and Solar Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE), The EC COST Office, The Belgian Science Policy Office, the International Space Environment Service, The Royal Library of Belgium and the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR).
Conference web site:
See Also:
2. Proceedings from the ESA Space Environments and Effects Section
Final Presentation Days now online
From: Alexi Glover The proceedings of the Space Environments and Effects Final Presentation Days held at ESTEC on 18-19th June are now available via the following website: http://www.congrex.nl/08M25
3. ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
From: Guido De Marchi
The European Space Agency awards several postdoctoral fellowships each year. The aim of these fellowships is to provide young scientists, holding a PhD or the equivalent degree, with the means of performing space science research in fields related to the ESA Science Programme. Areas of research include planetary science, astronomy and astrophysics, solar and solar-terrestrial science, plasma physics and fundamental physics. The fellowships are tenable at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, Netherlands, or at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Villafranca del Castillo, near Madrid, Spain. Applications are now solicited for fellowships in space science to begin in the summer or fall of 2009. Preference will be given to applications submitted by candidates within five years of receiving their PhD. Candidates not holding a PhD yet are encouraged to apply, but they must provide evidence of receiving their degree before starting the fellowship.
The deadline for applications is 1 October 2008. More information on the ESA Research Fellowship programme in Space Science, on the conditions and eligibility, as well as the application form can be found on the world-wide web at this address: http://www.rssd.esa.int/fellowship
Questions on the scientific aspects of the ESA Fellowship Programme in Space Science not answered in the above pages can be sent by e-mail to the fellowship coordinator, Guido De Marchi, at the address [email protected]
4. Meeting: Modern Challenges in Nonlinear Plasma Physics
From: Dimitris Vassiliadis
MEETING: "Modern Challenges in Nonlinear Plasma Physics: A conference honoring the career of K. Papadopoulos" June 15-19, 2009, Sani Resort, Halkidiki, Greece First Announcement
In the last three decades theoretical and experimental progress has led to a substantial integration of nonlinear effects in modeling and understanding of plasma dynamics. Particle acceleration mechanisms, collisionless shocks, magnetic reconnection, and flow and wave turbulence are only a few of the facets of complex dynamics in space or laboratory plasmas. Moreover, the realistic behavior of plasmas in geospace, solar, and fusion environments is modulated by strong interactions with adjacent plasmas or boundaries. Large-scale coherence emerges even in weakly-coupled, multi-scale plasmas. Accurate modeling and prediction of nonlinear plasma systems has demanded development of new theoretical and numerical methods. The meeting will review recent key developments in these areas and help chart the exciting future of nonlinear plasma science.
Conference web site:
Advisory committee: R.C. Davidson (Princeton University), M. L. Goldstein (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center), A.V. Gurevich (Lebedev Physical Institute), K. Hizanidis (University of Athens), C.F. Kennel (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), C.S. Liu (University of Maryland), R. Sagdeev (University of Maryland), P. Sprangle (Naval Research Laboratory), A.S. Sharma (University of Maryland)
Executive committee: K. Akimoto (Teikyo University), P. Cargill (Imperial College), I.A. Daglis (National Observatory, Athens), S.F. Fung (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center), J.D. Huba (Naval Research Laboratory), X. Shao (University of Maryland), D. Vassiliadis (Co-chair; West Virginia University), L. Vlahos (Co-chair; University of Thessaloniki)
Local organizing committee:
Athens: A. Anastasiadis, I.A. Daglis
Thessaloniki: Y. Chatziantonaki, H. Isliker, T. Pisokas, C. Tsironis, L. Vlahos (Chair)
The building blocks of nonlinear plasmas (Topics under consideration : particle acceleration; beam-plasma interactions; collisionless nonlinear waves; plasma radiation)Meso- and macroscale structures: formation and stability (Nonlinear evolution of instabilities; magnetic reconnection; turbulence and intermittency; maser mechanisms; hysteresis and storage-release processes in space and lab plasmas; large-scale coherence in plasma systems)Dynamic and interacting plasmas (Multiscale coupling in space and lab plasmas; bursty flows and their transitions to turbulence; plasma interaction with solid and magnetic barriers; cascades and power-law regimes)Revealing plasma structure via active experiments (Sheath electrodynamics; dusty plasmas; ionospheric modification; wave excitation and transmission) Abstract submission deadline:
January 16, 2009
Pre-registration deadline:
February 20, 2009
The conference will be held at the renowned Sani Resort (www.saniresort.gr) in the Halkidiki peninsula of northern Greece. This tourist complex is in a sun-drenched pineforest one hour away from Thessaloniki and close to several archaeological and tourist destinations. Contact information:
Dimitris Vassiliadis
Loukas Vlahos
5. Some ESA Tender Actions from ESA-EMITS
(From 06/08/2008 to 01/10/2008, Act.Ref.: 07.1EE.11)
(From 08/07/2008 to 15/09/2008, Act.Ref.: 06.1QC.03)
(From 03/06/2008 to 30/09/2008, Act.Ref.: 08.1EE.19)
(From 30/06/2008 to 30/09/2008, Act.Ref.: 08.135.03)
(From 03/07/2008 to 12/09/2008, Act.Ref.: 08.174.03)
(From 02/07/2008 to 12/09/2008, Act.Ref.: 08.197.13)
(From 21/04/2008 to 31/12/2009, Act.Ref.: 08.136.03)
(From 28/01/2008 to 31/12/2009, Act.Ref.: 08.153.52)
(From 24/11/2004 to 31/12/2009, Act.Ref.: 04.153.85)
For a complete list of ESA Tender Actions, see:
Note: This newsletter is an initiative of the ESA Space Environments
and Effects Analysis Section ( http://space-env.esa.int) and is a prototype
mailing list intended to provide a forum for information posting news of
interest to the Space Weather community in Europe.
SWEN contact group (keeping SWEN informed of news from other channels) is currently: Wolfgang Baumjohann, IWF Graz, AustriaVolker Bothmer, EGU-Solar Physics SecretaryJinbin Cao, Chinese Space Weather Activity RepresentativeAlain Bourdillon, COST Action 296Eamonn Daly, ESA (excluding science programme)Maurizio Candidi, CNRPaul Cannon, URSI-Commission GMike Hapgood, Space Weather Workinig Team ChairmanFrancois Lefeuvre, LPCE/CNRSJean Lilensten, COST Action 724W. William Liu, Space Science Program, Canadian Space AgencyHenrik Lundstedt, Lund space weather centerRichard Marsden, ESA science programmeGoetz Paschmann, ISSITerry Onsager, NOAA Space Environment CentreJean-Yves Prado, CNES Programme DirectorateMichael Rycroft, ISU
Giulio AB2VY (ex KC2OTB)
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