I use the SAT controller in my station. The receive frequency is on the bottom of the display. Mike

On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 02:09:35 PM EST, Glen Jenkins via AMSAT-BB <[email protected]> wrote:

Hello Amsat Members,

I am totally new to Amateur Satellite work. I recently purchased and installed AMSAT's SATPC32 and want to use it with my IC-9700. I have a few questions and a request.

1 - On the IC-9700 should the receive (downlink) frequency be displayed on the UPPER portion of the screen and thus should the rig transmit on the displayed frequency that is on the lower portion of the screen (as I see the "TX" symbol there?  On my setup, it appears that SATPC32 is setting the frequencies backwards.  I see the satellite's Downlink frequency on the lower half of the screen with a "TX" next to it.  So this must be incorrect.

2 -On the SATPC32 display should the "Downlink"display the receive frequency from the satellite and MATCH the frequency on SATPC32 in the upper half of the IC-9700 display?  On my setup they do not match today, sometimes they are up to 2 MHz different.  So maybe the communication between the program and the rig are not correct. 

3 - I have been able to hear some stations (ex AO-73) yesterday on the 2m band.I have tried calling them. I assume that I should be able to call them and then simultaneously hear myself,but I NEVER hear myself. So how do I sync this up.  My assumption is that the other station is listening for me on the same frequency so I should hear myself, I understand that the satellite repeater is receiving me on 70cm (uplink).  Is there some procedure to follow in SATPC32 to get synced?

4 - Lastly, can someone please share with me their settings of the IC-9700 to make this all work?

As I am new,I suppose that I'll have a few more questions until I get this all functioning correctly. Thanks to anyone and everyone who answer my questions above.

Glen,WB4KTF, Austin, TX


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