14 Oct
14 Oct
5:25 p.m.
The latest nasabare.txt and nasa.all TLE files are downloading with the character "n" in place of blanks and or "-"
SatPC32 is forgiving of this, but other software like Zeptomoby Orbit Tools is not.
NO-84 1 40654U 15025D 19283.30541112 n.00010852 n00000n0 n14926-3 0 7451 2 40654 54.9910 13.9106 0128597 257.8659 100.7975 15.48780673130049
Normally would look like this
NO-84 1 40654U 15025D 19283.30541112 .00010852 00000-0 14926-3 0 7451 2 40654 54.9910 13.9106 0128597 257.8659 100.7975 15.48780673130049
Has anyone else noticed this ?
Dave W0DHB