Hi Sil,
On http://www.amsat.org.ar/pehuene.html# you can read:
Messages Telemetry will be broadcasted in two languages, one of them Spanish. The messages will be recorded on Earth in order to maximize memory. The messages will be, satellite identification, natural numbers, sign, decimal point and the name of the measured variable.
AX25: Telemeter AX25 on the same microcontroller (HC11 family) controlling the ISD to allow telemetry in packet with Ham radio protocol (1200 Bauds). A typical message will require 35 seconds. The information broadcasted will be: i) Announcement (ID) and basic telemetry in two languages (English, Spanish).
So, Pehuensat is sending 1k2 AFSK, not 9k6.
73, Mike DK3WN
----- original Nachricht --------
Betreff: [amsat-bb] PEHEUNSAT-1 heard on 2 metres. Gesendet: Di, 16. Jan 2007 Von: Sil - ZL2CIAzl2cia@amsat.org
This may be old news, but PEHEUNSAT-1 seems to be transmitting.I believe that I heard PEHEUNSAT-1 this evening.
Pass ended at 1000 UT (2300 local). Signals seemed to consist of a voice broadcast in Spanish followed by a short burst of carrier. I could not hear any modulation of this carrier and did not decode anything.
I have since googled and see that the downlink in the 2 metre band is at 9k6 b/s. I was still setup for NO-44 at 1200 b/s and of course 9k6 sounds much like noise to the human ear. The satellite may well have been transmitting data.
On hearing the signal, I retuned the rig and tracked the frequency by watching the discriminator output meter. The frequency decreased in a way consistent with Doppler shift.
I caught the last few minutes of the pass by chance, and only because the radio was still tuned to 145.8235 MHz (FM) after an earlier pass of NO-44.
I have another pass at 1129 UT (0029 local time) and I will try to be ready for that one.
Sil - ZL2CIA
Antenna: 6 ele hori - homebuilt. Rig: FT736R Parallel decoding of AX.25 using home built interface and AGWPE/UISS, and Heath Packkit 232 _______________________________________________ Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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