PCSAT-1 Special Ops continue.
We now welcome routine trackers and unattended beacons so that we can build up statistics on channel loading and the channel capacity of PCSAT-1 and it's follow-on spacecraft. We do want everyone to include basic info in their packet though. Please include PWR,Antenna Gain, and RATE. Such as "5W,3dbi,5min" so that the statistics will show us what works...
PCSAT-1 works like any APRS digipeater so the only thing you have to do, to work the satellite is to change your APRS (or packet station) channel to 145.825 instead of its normal frequency. When you get to work, QSY to 145.825 during the day, and when you get home. Its nice to look at your mobile radio and see who else you captured after work or overnight.
For unattended, set your beacon rate to once ever 5 minutes. If attended and monitoring the channel, you can use 2 minutes. You can see if you got in on http://pcsat.aprs.org . Watching the capacity of PCSAT-1 to carry these data will be usefull for gauging the success of our next satellite, ParkinsonSAT. See http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/buoy.html
PCSAT-1 responds to most common digipeating callsigns (below) so that no one should have to change anything when going between terrestrial or ISS operation to PCSAT-1, other than their frequency.
We saw 22 people yesterday on the East Coast and the web page above, is showing about 70 in the last 2 days. PCSAT-1 should be able to handle 100 or so per footprint PER PASS! So lets get the number of users up for the next 2 weeks of useful PCSAT-1 life.
Thanks! Bob, WB4APR US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
-----Original Message----- From: Robert Bruninga [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:49 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: PCSAT-1 (NO-44) Special Event Thursday Morn
PCSAT-1 Special Event (results)
Thanks to you guys that participated. You may continue to transmit unattended VIA PCSAT-1 as long as she stays up. The students were like "wow"... The posits below were shortened
cutting out the LAT/LONG but many show the statistics we were after.
We'd like to demo PCSAT-1 to students on this Thursday 28
at 0923 EDT and 1112 EDT over the eastern USA....
- Attended stations set posit rate to 2 minutes
- Unattended stations set APRS posit rate to 5 minutes
- Include ur name, TX power and ANT Gain
RESULTS SUMMARY: Knowing the TX rate and EIRP, it is clear to See that even 5W HT's can get in with a J-pole (3dB)
2 minute rate stations 50W EIRP 5 hits 150W EIRP 8 hits 120W EIRP 4 hits 10W EIRP 3 hits
5 min rate stations 120W EIRP 2 hits end of pass 10W EIRP 3 hits 20W EIRP 1 hit
Unknown rates 50W EIRP 1 hit 40W EIRP 6 hits 90W EIRP 4 hits
Here is the raw data W/O LAT/LONG to fit:
1 VE3FFR =281329z- (UIV32N) 5 KC0RWZ-2 =281330z`Brian,2min,25w,3.7dBi,Hi Navy retired 2 W3ADO-6 @281330zK000/000/TH-D7/M0/Off duty.. 8 KB1GVR =281331z-2min 50W 5.5dBi omni. Nice work! 3 WA4AEJ =281331zyDale in Niceville, FL {UISS50} 4 W1CGA-1 =281331zK_2min,10W,11dBiYagi CGA says Go MIDS 1 N9IDH-7 @281331z[000/000/TH-D7/M2/In Service 15N1XED =281331z-73, FROM RIK, FN44ch {UISS50} 4 VE2FDA =281332z-Francois, 45W, 3db,Go boys {UIV32N} 2 KI4LMR-3 @281332z>000/000/TH-D7/M0/Off duty../A=-00089 6 WA1KAT =281333z-Topsfield,MA 10W collinear 3 N1CLV-8 =281335zCWayne, 2 min, 5W, 3dbi omni, Go CG! 13W3ADO-15 /281335z->FM19sa/- unattended use 5 min rate. 3 N1CLV-8 =281336zCWayne, 5 min, 5W, 3dbi omni, Go CG! 2 N3ZLL-5 @281339zK000/000/D-700/C1/Custom 1 2 W1CGA-1 =281340zK_5min,10W,11dBiYagi CGA says Go MIDS 1 KB2M-7 @281518zj000/000/D-700/M2/In Service/A=-00072 1 W4HFZ =281519z-Chas,25w,3db Omni,Subs Rule!{UIV32N} 1 W8AAS /281519z]Dave,5min,10W, J-pole ? N4ZQ-2 no posit