Quoting "Alan P. Biddle" [email protected]:
Otherwise, wait for a month or two for the journal to come out.
Right. Nobody on AMSAT-BB would ever blab! :)
See you there, and hoping to win the FlexRadio door prize.
Have a wonderful time, folks. I look forward to the proceedings publication.
This discussion puts me in mind of an improvement to AMSAT which has been bouncing around in my mind for some time. What about a more expensive annual membership fee which would allow the user access to pdf versions of AMSAT-NA publications plus, say, pdfs of the journals from AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-DL.
I know there would be considerable web development that this would entail, as well as an agreement between the various AMSATs (if the second part of the idea were to be acted on), but I think it would add much to our community. Any new satellite operator would be crazy not to purchase this upgrade and have access to, say, Gould's fine books. Furthermore, in the course of discussion on this list helping one another, we could point directly to a page of the pdf. More experienced operators would appreciate the articles from the other AMSATS, which often are the first place announcements are made about their prospective birds.
73, Bruce VE9QRP