another point to the DDE aspect:
just working on the DDE link between SATCONTROL and HDSDR. At the moment HDSDR supports only Orbitron (Doppler tracking interval 1s), HRD and WXtrack.
If I change the application name of SATCONTROL to Orbitron, the link can be established and it works. The idea behind is to end the LO Frequency to the FUNCubeDonge once - and keep it fix - BUT change the TUNE frequency of HDSDR. This is possible in 1 Hz steps, so you can follow a narrowband signal (CW/BPSK) much continuously. (You can't change the LO Frequency of the FCD in 1 Hz steps).
73, Mike DK3WN
If HDSDR could use the DDE output of WISP, it can start recording when a satellite name appears, and stop when '*** NO Satellite ***' appears.
These are just some of my thoughts to make automatic unattended reception easier, but I must say that DK3WN's FCD control + HDSDR are really great pieces of software. Thank you to all those involved in their development :)
73, Sion, 9M2CQC
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