On 10/09/20 12:40, Robert Bruninga via AMSAT-BB wrote:
There is one. called APRS. And in the early days, my original APRSdos could send out a local beacon every 10 minutes showing the satellite names
Hello Bob,
AX.25 is an obsolete, circuit-switched way to route packets.
At the physical layer, lack of FEC, AFSK Bell 202 speeds and ALOHA-scheduling leads to massively inefficient utilization of the spectrum.
I'm talking about a cellular-network like organization with downlinks and scheduled uplinks. Dedicated terminals using COTS modem chips, at both sub-1GHz and 2.4GHz, would lower the barrier to entry and not tie up an analog radio.
I estimate a small data terminal would cost in the neighborhood of $50. This small terminal would be the any-hams way to get on the 44.x network via RF.
There are many disparate commercial implementations of something like this, but nothing cohesive has come of it. We still have a ton of amateur traffic relying on Internet links.
--- Zach N0ZGO